Τρίτη 24 Ιανουαρίου 2012


It starts most of the times accidentaly...
somebody gets you a fish for your birthday and you end up falling in love with it.
its simple,cheap and exciting at first.
but then,something happens and your fishy dies,and you find yourself dreaming about the next fish youre gonna get...
to fill the gap,you go to a pet store and observe closely every single fish and you decide that you've fallen in love with that peculiar,funny-looking SALTWATER fish.
ha!if you only knew....
This is my story till now.
i unfortunately had the bad luck to fall in love with a porcupine puffer fish,which needed to be kept in a saltwater aquarium.
at first we thought that the amount of money we would spend on a tank wouldnt be that huge.it is JUST  a tank after all.
Well let me begin with this:if you want a saltwater aquarium get ready to pay more than 500 euros.actually,get ready to pay waaaaaay more than that.
you'll need to get a big one for a couple of pretty convincing reasons,the fish prices range from moderately expensive to oh-jesus-am-i-buying-a-fish-or-a-mansion prices.(been there,done that,so im gonna make a post for that later on),and you'll need medications,skimmers,a wide range of food,*good*cleaning devices,water testers,blah blah blah...
oh you'll also be needing a lot of patience,time to spend on watching-cleaning-researching-paying frequent visits to the pet store-worrying about potential diseases and muscles.or a *muscular*helping hand.
and dont forget,you'll need loving and patient people around you that love you enough,in order for them not be tempted to get secretely into your house and cook a delicious fish soup from your fish.

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